I wasn't able to attend the session with the preschoolers on Monday, and because of Spring break next week I won't be seeing them next Monday either. It'll be interesting to see the how the gap changes (or doesn't change) their progress.
Day 11:
On Thursday, I adjusted and added to the song binders for the elderly people. I'll be adding more to them next week as well. I also finished the visual aid folders I've been working on since my 2nd day.
I will no longer be attending the drum circle theory classes on Thursday nights. The facilitator and I decided I know enough about the theory of drum circles at this point, so now I'll be attending some actual drum circles led by him (Frank Thompson) and another facilitator.
Day 12:
At the music therapy session with the Alzheimer's clients, we placed their name tags on their chairs before they got there so there would be no problems with seating. There was a lot of exercising, mimicking, singing, and relaxing. There were also more visual aids today.
I then went back to the clinic and observed client 2 again. (Client 1 was sick and we'll have a double session for him next week to make up the time.) He had another really good session today. His main goal is still attention at task, and he's doing really well with taking turns and finishing an activity before they move on to the next one.
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